Online presale Sold Out!

Line-up (alfabetical order):
Bas Dobbelaer
Boss Axis LIVE
Eelke Kleijn
Jonas Saalbach B2B Budakid
Miss Melera
Prosper Rek
Ruede Hagelstein
The Wolf Upstairs

I feel it is time for something ganz Besonderes, for my very first Alters (24+), the true loyal ones, the ravers who supported me from the beginning, when I was still young… ; )

And so developed the idea for my Vintage Edition: where I go back to my roots, to how it all was when it began… and I take you to a smaller venue – the WesterUnie – where the Transformatorhuis stays closed. Nostalgia will persevere on December 10th, with my early artists and with lots and lots and LOTS of melody.

The first Alters that joined me will receive an email and will get the chance to buy their tickets first – this time around they will get more days to do so. Die ältere Alters will also get this chance, but only from Monday onwards.

Given that I have grown so much, but want to give the more intimate atmosphere back with this edition, please beware that tickets will be limited.

This one will be verdammt Spezial.

komm schon Alter.


  • Date10-12-2016
  • Time22.00 - 05.00
  • VenueWesterUnie
  • AddressKlönneplein 4-6, 1014 DD Amsterdam
  • Line-upTBA